

时间:2023-04-03 16:40:06 其他文书合同 我要投稿


飘的读后感1000字 第1篇




“Tomorrow is another day ”意为“明天,又是新的一天了”。每当思嘉遇到困难时,都会说这句话来鼓励自己。她相信所有的痛苦和挫折都将成为过去,明天又将是一个崭新的开始。的确,只要自己付出努力,一切都会好起来的。过去的已成为历史,成功也好,失败也罢,高兴过也好,伤心过也罢,明天总是美好的。今天的努力,为的就是明天更美好。心中要对明天怀有一种美好的希望,坚强地面对生活,执着地走下去,踏实地走下去,明天必定是一个辉煌灿烂的一天。


飘的读后感1000字 第2篇

My friend recommended gone with the wind a long time ago, and this time I have the chance to finish it slowly. Maybe it wont be too profound to read it, but its a big one.

The American writer Margaret Mitchells novel gone with the wind has been popular with readers around the world since it was first published in 1936, and I think there are many reasons for it. First, character between the characters in the novel attracted countless eyeball, brave strong scarlett, rhetts wit decisively, mei laney velvet glove, ASHLEYs gentle a likable guy. In addition, the story of the ups and downs of the novel is also immersive and addictive.

Lets talk about the most impressionable scarlett.

Scarlett is a big contradiction, she is not perfect, but it is admirable. Scarlett, the remarkable character born in the turbulent years of the United States, her excellent personality radiates infinite light. She is brave, strong, optimistic, hard to live and never give in. She was very quick and smart, and a bit of her obsession with love, though I didnt quite agree with it. It is she that give the obstinate in his bones, hardworking spirit let her become the business and in life, in continuously hone grow up to be a strong woman. "Tomorrow, is, another, day" is the motto of scarlett. No matter what she meets, she is always full of hope, full of fight, never give up, never despair. This spirit is most worthy of my study. Yes, today is going to pass, no matter what result, or any pain, all belong to the past. And tomorrow is another day! Only by treating each tomorrow as a new starting point, it is wise to strive for the attainment of your goals.

In addition, I also have a certain revelation about the relationship, scarlett has fallen in love with two men in her life, but she finally knows whom to love, and he is too blind and persistent. When we think we fall in love with other people, we may just be attracted to him for a moment, but we are blindly persistent, and finally we find that the person we fell in love with is gone. We need to figure out what we feel about a person, rather than blindly, and end up with nothing.

At the end of the sentence, no explanation.

"Beauty does not make a man noble, nor is his dress respectable."

飘的读后感1000字 第3篇










“afterall,tomorrow is another ”




飘的读后感1000字 第4篇






飘的读后感1000字 第5篇

People are weird. When I read gone with the wind a dozen years ago, I liked scarlett. Recently, she picked up the old book and reread it, but was deeply attracted by Melanie. Are peoples minds really going to change because of age?

Which young girl saw "gone with the wind" and didnt like scarlett? Beautiful not to say, clever and stubborn, surrounded by men around. Especially the charming men such as rhett who always follow, spoil, and get too addicted! Also, she has a very strong personality, when among the many boys among the birds to stand among the flock of ASHLEY, finally politely refused her love, in a rage, threw a vase by the hand! This is not the ladylike demeanor of the old aristocracy, but it is in line with the current trend, "savage girlfriend" typical ah! She was at the fund-raiser because the widow was unable to dance and was so desperate that she was so cute! And in the fall of Atlanta, the carriage drove Melanie to tara. Also, the northern deserter barged into tara, raised his gun to kill him, and showed a stubborn determination. New clothes, wearing her mother curtain do stare according to rhett across the pistol from the outside of a foot to see green eyes, lying on his married frank, trying to hold the lumber mill, how cunning! Finally, when rhett had already been deeply disappointed by the fact that he was truly in love with her, rhett had calmly turned her chin up as she decided to leave her. At this time, how much like the flesh and blood has the character of scarlett o hara!

But now, I dont think so. I noticed that Melanie was sitting quietly on the manor party, her thin little body inconspicuous. At the fundraiser, she took off her wedding ring and donated it to the troops. In Atlanta fell that day, because, in her weak body is on the verge of death struggle, she quietly, I can imagine a weak women, after the labor in the turbulence of the carriage lying in dozens of kilometers how pale face. Can never said to scarlett her pain, and because the refugees and the protagonist gradually built up feelings, make Melanie stand quietly behind the protagonist from the tip to the buzzer, always protect her, to maintain her. When the north came, she dragged her weak body, carrying a heavy knife, ready to help scarlett. Calmly advised to help the northern desertion of scarlett. When all the people in Atlanta refused to go out with scarlett, Melanie insisted. Even when ASHLEY and scarletts secret was discovered in Atlanta, she stood resolutely on scarletts side. And she knew it all the time. At last, when she died, Dr. Meade said to scarlett that she should not repent of her! Always carry a heavy cross! Dont hurt the good woman! But is Melanie just kind? No, it should be great, representing a female image of a traditional character. Tough, reserved, brave, virtuous. If scarlett was a brave, aggressive new woman, Melanie was the most respectable of the old class aristocrats.

Even now, hundreds of years later, Melanie still has something to admire. We admit that "gone with the wind" is too beautiful for Melanie. Maybe the author is too fond of her. She was portrayed so perfectly that she could hardly find any fault. If there is a weakness, it is not beautiful, but it is a contrast with scarlett. I kept thinking: is Melanie really selfish? At this point, the author is vague. In particular, it was not acceptable to show that it had been known for years that scarlett had been with ASHLEY for years. Is she really that generous? I would rather believe it was her intelligence. She saw everything clearly. In fact, ASHLEY and scarlett had nothing to do with it. She is the wisest thing to do.

In comparison, scarlett is a real nitwit. He loved ASHLEY for years, and at the end, Melanie went away and found that he didnt love him at all. Rhett is the favorite. And rhett, who had been hurt by her, was disappointed. As rhett said, she wanted ASHLEY. But it was the little girl who wanted a doll, but what was she to do with it? She had married three men, but she never knew men. Shes a little bit of a little boy. Or franks honest old man.

Open the "gone with the wind", the paper is yellow and crisp. If you are not careful, your fingers will break the paper. Such a book, hold in hand very have time sense. I feel like the book in this hand, one day easy to break, fragile. The contents of the book itself are not broken, and the spirit of the characters is not broken. If there was a soul, I wouldnt break it.

飘的读后感1000字 第6篇



最后一句“明天又是新的一天了”这是出自《飘》的一句耳熟能详的名言。这句话,激励着在美国南北战争的岁月里沉浮的女主角,也深深打动了我的心。而这句结尾话的余香令人倍感回味。《飘》的篇章是华丽的,文中的人物都有着自己的灵魂,让我在女主角思嘉身上认识了她 坚强,努力,执着,不怕困难保护庄园,勇敢与宽容,也展现了在南北战争的岁月中人们的不幸,因此全文的人物也为文章增添了不少的乐趣,书中一段段凄美的爱情故事与战争结合在了一起,让人不觉得无聊,当时的社会改变了一个个年轻人。也许没有了一切背景,一切都会变得简单。我从《飘》中学到了明天代表着希望,又代表着执着,面对过去已抛在脑后,明天即将会升起一轮崭新的太阳再去面对,不管怎么说,明天又是新的一天。

飘的读后感1000字 第7篇


思佳丽的大半生又是为爱所迷惑的。因为迷惑而做了很多错事。知道最后她才发现,原来她一直钟爱的艾希礼并不爱她,也不曾象她所想的那般优秀。其实她爱的并不是艾希礼,而是自己内心的一个完美形象。艾希礼越是拒绝她,她心中的那个形象就越完善——这正应了中国的一句老话:得不到的就是最好的—— 而恰恰因为她错误的迷恋,才使她错了身边真正的幸福。这也给了我一个启示:人要学会明辨是非,不要让幸福从自己的指间溜走。



